Publishing My Godmother’s “Lost” Murder Mystery Manuscripts
“Aunt Betsy, what do we do with these boxes? They’re filled with paper,” my nephew shouted across the large playroom. In preparation…
Rights or Left? Managing Your Literary Estate
2022-JUNE Good to Know – Sisters in Crime (507KB)…
Access Your DNA & SNPs
An overview of the genes and their single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), or variants, that may affect the biology of THC for an…
Genes, SNPs & THC
Genetics seems to play an important role at each step in the body’s processing of cannabis, especially THC. It’s important to put…
Nutrigenetics, Nutrigenomics, SNPs & You
For foods, herbs, supplements and diets–like pharmaceuticals–“one size does not fit all”. There is a Goldilocks Effect for much of what we…
Personalized Health – Genes & Groceries
Who would ever think that one change the DNA of a gene could affect what you like to eat, what you can…
Personalized Medicine – The Goldilocks Genome
How the concept of personalized medicine served as inspiration for the The Goldilocks Genome…